Launches Dating Service Launches Dating Service

To start off the month of April, announced the launch of its first ever dating service called Matchmaking. It’s shown with the tagline “Find someone to pwn noobs with” and caters to Warcraft, Diablo, and Starcraft Players.


The front page of the site features testimonials from users (who must have had access to a top secret closed beta) such as:

True Connection

I never thought would find someone for me, I’m just too free-spirited and independent. But when the system matched me with her and we started our 2v2 team, it was like I’d met my soulmate. I still sometimes can’t believe I found her. We’ve been in the Platinum league for two months now, and we’re expecting our first pro-tournament later this year. I couldn’t be happier.

by Narwhal.bacon

Safe and Buffed

I’m looking forward to playing Diablo III co-op, and finding someone who is coordinated and has great communication skills is super important to me. I met him on, and we immediately clicked. He’s always on top of any situation, and I feel so safe when I’m with him. He’s my best friend; I couldn’t imagine a future fighting the Prime Evils with anybody else.

by Flywheel
Matchmaking services can be found at:
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