When Infinity Ward announced that MW2 for PC would not support dedicated servers, outrage boomed on the internet and EA Dice jumped to capitalize on the fact that upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company 2 WOULD allow users to play on dedicated servers. It seems that this concept comes with a catch though, as information surfaced that players would have to RENT servers from “authorized hosts”.
According to BFBC2 producer Gordon Van Dyke, files the community needs to build dedicated servers are being withheld in order to “protect the game’s integrity on PC” and “This does not earn DICE a profit. But we will see where the game goes and support it post launch.” Van Dyke made it clear that authorized hosts had already been choosen in all major regions of the world.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will enter open beta later this month (January 28th) and be available on March 2nd for PS3, PC and Xbox 360.