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Block Samurai LITE, A Little Light on the Action

Block Samurai Lite is a sliding block puzzle game where you need to slide ninja blocks out of the way to get the Samurai out of the gate. According the game description “A noble samurai must make his way through a legion of dastardly ninja. Block Samurai is a puzzle game based on Nob Yashigahara’s classic Rush Hour puzzle – slide the ninja blocks around such that you can slide the samurai block out of the gate.”

The graphics are nice looking, and the gong sound effects and music make it a cute game to play. The game is operated by the touchscreen, and controls are smooth.

It comes with options to Reset the board for when you’ve got your Samurai thoroughly stuck and need to start at the beginning of the level, and you can move to different levels if you need more/less of a challenge.

The Lite version comes with 10 introductory puzzles, which actually go quite quickly once you sit down to play. It currently has 4 out of 5 stars in the Android Market.


The LEET – Good for a quick brain exercise.

The Lame – Once you beat all 10 levels, it’s no fun going back and playing again. The levels weren’t horribly challenging, making it a quick playthrough. Either uninstall to save some space or buck up the £0.99 for the full version.



Version: v1.0
Developer: AppWolf
Size: 1.7MB


You can download from the QR code below by using the Barcode Scanner or your Google Goggles (1.6 or higher).



Reviewed on Motorola Cliq.