Borderlands Missions, List & Loot

Here is a list of the missions in Borderlands to be completed, listed by area! Find out where to get them, and what kind of loot you get.

*Add-on content, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi’s Underdome, Secret Armory of General Knoxx

The Arid Badlands

Main Missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Tutorial and Nine-Toes missions
Fresh Off The Bus The Arid Badlands Guardian Angel 2 None
The Doctor Is In The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 2 48XP
Skags At The Gate The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 2 114XP
Claptrap Rescue The Arid Badlands Claptrap 2 72XP
Fix’er Upper The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 2 192XP, $118
Blinding Nine-Toes The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 2 480XP, $313
Nine-Toes: Meet T.K. Baha The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 3 90XP
Nine-Toes: T.K.’s Food The Arid Badlands T.K. Baha 2 480XP, $313
Got Grenades? The Arid Badlands T.K. Baha 2 48XP
Nine-Toes: Take Him Down The Arid Badlands T.K. Baha 4 2880XP
Nine-Toes: Time To Collect The Arid Badlands T.K. Baha 7 108XP, $2210, Grenade Mod
Job Hunting The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 7 108XP
Catch-A-Ride missions
Catch-A-Ride The Arid Badlands Scooter 7 108XP
Bone Head’s Theft The Arid Badlands Scooter 10 4320XP, $1552
The Piss Wash Hurdle The Arid Badlands Scooter 10 720XP
Return To Zed The Arid Badlands Scooter 10 720XP, $1552, Weapon Equip SDU
Killing Sledge
Sledge: Meet Shep The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed 10 144XP
Sledge: The Mine Key The Arid Badlands Shep Sanders 10 1440XP
Sledge: To The Safe House The Arid Badlands Shep Sanders 14 5760XP
Sledge: Battle For The Badlands The Arid Badlands Shep Sanders 17 9804XP, $6866,
Can we go now, PLEEEESE?
Leaving Fyrestone The Arid Badlands Dr. Zed ? ?

Once unlocked, the remaining missions can be played at any time.

Side missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
T.K. Has More Work The Arid Badlands T.K. Baha 10 360XP, $776
T.K.’s Life And Limb Skag Gully T.K. Baha 7 4320XP, $2210, T.K.’s Wave
By The Seeds Of Your Pants Skag Gully T.K. Baha 9 1980XP, $1386, Sniper Rifle
Get The Flock Outta Here The Arid Badlands Shep Sanders 10 2880XP, $2329
Braking Wind The Arid Badlands Shep Sanders 10 3023XP, $2329
What Hit The Fan The Arid Badlands Shep Sanders 13 2699XP, $4363,
Why Are They Here? Skag Gully Fyrestone Bounty Board 7 1944XP, $1658, Shield
Get A Little Blood On The Tires The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 10 1152XP, $2329
Hidden Journal: The Arid Badlands The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 13 2699XP, $5454
Shock Crystal Harvest Lost Cave Fyrestone Bounty Board 15 3672XP, Shock Artifact
Scavenger: Sniper Rifle Arid Hills Fyrestone Bounty Board 12 1932XP, Sniper Rifle
The Legend Of Moe and Marley Arid Hills Fyrestone Bounty Board 15 6120XP, $4105, Fire Artifact
Scavenger: Combat Rifle The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 15 2346XP, Combat Rifle
Insult To Injury The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 15 4080XP, $2736
Schemin’ That Sabotage The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 18 4800XP, $7689
Product Recall The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 15 3468XP, $4105
Find Bruce McClane The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 15 3060XP
Circle Of Death: Meat And Greet The Arid Badlands Fyrestone Bounty Board 12 504XP
Circle Of Death: Round 1 The Arid Badlands Rade Zayben 12 1680, $1947, Shield
Circle Of Death: Round 2 The Arid Badlands Rade Zayben 15 2652XP, $4105, Grenade Mod
Circle Of Death: Final Round The Arid Badlands Rade Zayben 18 4800XP, $9612

The Dahl Headlands Back to Top

Main Missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Getting Lucky Dahl Headlands Ernest 18 2400XP, Grenade Mod
Powering The Fast Travel Network Dahl Headlands Lucky Zaford 20 2376XP, Fast Travel
Road Warriors: Hot Shots Dahl Headlands Lucky Zaford 18 2400XP
Road Warriors: Bandit Apocalypse Dahl Headlands Lucky Zaford 20 10560XP, Access to New Haven, Weapon SDU

Once unlocked, the following missions can be played at any time.

Side Missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Big Game Hunter Dahl Headlands Ernest 20 5280XP, Whitting’s Elephant Gun
Death Race Pandora Dahl Headlands Lucky’s Bounty Board 20 5280XP, Weapon/Grenade Mod
Fuel Feud Dahl Headlands Lucky’s Bounty Board 18 4800XP, Weapon/Grenade Mod
Scavenger: Revolver Dahl Headlands Lucky’s Bounty Board 20 3036XP, Revolver
Well There’s Your Problem Right There Dahl Headlands Lucky’s Bounty Board 18 6000XP
Ghosts of the Vault Dahl Headlands Lucky’s Bounty Board 20 5280XP, Level 2 Explosive Artifact

New Haven Missions Back to Top

Main Missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Power To The People New Haven Helena Pierce 20 2376XP, $2411
Seek Out Tannis Rust Commons West Helena Pierce 21 2760XP, $2700
Jaynistown: Getting What’s Coming To You New Haven Erik Franks 27 4872XP, $15993
Jaynistown: Unintended Consequences New Haven Erik Franks 27 3480XP
Jaynistown: Cleaning Up Your Mess Rust Commons East Helena Pierce 29 13391XP, $20062

Once unlocked, the following missions can be played at any time.

Side Missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Jack’s Other Eye Rust Commons West Helena Pierce 23 6000XP, $10164, Combat Rifle
Middle Of Nowhere No More: Investigate Rust Commons East Helena Pierce 24 4680XP, $3794, Class Mod
Relight The Beacons Rust Commons East Helena Pierce 27 10440XP, $15993, Sniper Rifle
Smoke Signals: Investigate Old Haven Old Haven Helena Pierce 28 6120XP, $11941
Firepower: All Sales Are Final Rust Commons West Marcus Kincaid 21 5520XP, $10803, Pistol
Firepower: Market Correction Rust Commons West Marcus Kincaid 21 5520XP, $10803, Sub-Machine Gun
Firepower: Plight Of The Middle Man Rust Commons West Marcus Kincaid 23 6000XP, $6776, Combat Rifle
Up To Our Ears Rust Commons West Scooter 21 5520XP, $8102
Scooter’s Used Car Parts Rust Commons West Scooter 21 4140XP, $10803
Is T.K. O.K.? Arid Badlands Scooter 21 6072XP, $8102, Grenade SDU
I’ve Got A Sinking Feeling… Treacher’s Landing Scooter 27 17400XP, $26656, Launcher
Like A Moth To Flame Arid Badlands New Haven Bounty Board 21 8280XP, $8102, The Blister
Scavenger: Submachine Gun Rust Commons West New Haven Bounty Board 21 $10803, a Submachine Gun
King Tossing Tetanus Warren New Haven Bounty Board 21 5244XP, $5401, The Spy, Wee Wee’s Super Booster
Corrosive Crystal Harvest Tetanus Warren New Haven Bounty Board 21 5520XP, $2700, Corrosive Artifact
Hidden Journal: Rust Commons West Rust Commons West New Haven Bounty Board 23 6000XP, $20328
Missing Persons New Haven New Haven Bounty Board 24 1560XP, $3794
Two Wrongs Make A Right Krom’s Canyon New Haven Bounty Board 25 $8500, 5670 XP
Wanted: Fresh Fish Treacher’s Landing New Haven Bounty Board 27 $26656, 17400 XP, Leviathan
Dumpster Diving For Great Justice New Haven Erik Franks 27 3828XP, $31987

Rust Commons West Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Main Missions
Meet ‘Crazy’ Earl Crazy Earl’s Scrapyard Patricia Tannis 22 2880 XP, $3025
Jaynistown: Secret Rendezvous Rust Commons East Patricia Tannis 27 3480 XP, $5331
Not Without My Claptrap Old Haven Patricia Tannis 28 10800XP
Side Missions
Circle Of Slaughter: Round 1 Rust Commons West Chuck Durden 26 6720 XP, $14280, Random Shield
Circle Of Slaughter: Round 2 Rust Commons West Chuck Durden 29 7439 XP, $26749, Random Class Mod
Circle Of Slaughter: Final Round Rust Commons West Chuck Durden 28 7200 XP, $35825, Random weapon

Rust Commons East Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Main Mission
Another Piece Of The Puzzle Trash Coast Guardian Angel 25 10040 XP, $15993
Jaynistown: A Brother’s Love Rust Commons East Taylor Kobb 27 6264 XP, $10662
Jaynistown: Spread The Word New Haven Taylor Kobb 27 10440 XP, $15993, Sniper Rifle
Side Missions
Middle Of Nowhere No More: Fuses? Really? Rust Commons East Hudson Johns 24 6240XP, $15178
Middle Of Nowhere No More: Small Favor Rust Commons East Hudson Johns 24 6240XP, $15178
Middle Of Nowhere No More: Scoot On Back Rust Commons East Hudson Johns 24 3432XP, $11383, Shield
Altar Ego: Burning Heresy Rust Commons East Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 24 6240XP, $7589
Altar Ego: The New Religion Rust Commons East Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 27 6240XP, $7589
Altar Ego: Godless Monsters Rust Commons East Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 29 8369XP, $20062, The Dove
A Bug Problem Rust Commons East Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 27 6960XP, $21324, Shotgun
Hidden Journal: Rust Commons East Rust Commons East Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 26 6720XP, $28560
Scavenger: Shotgun Rust Commons East Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 24 3588XP
Scavenger: Machine Gun The Salt Flats Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 30 4416XP, Machine Gun
Circle Of Slaughter: Meat and Greet Rust Commons West Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 26 1008XP
Bait And Switch Trash Coast Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 27 6960XP, $5331
House Hunting Trash Coast Middle Of Nowhere Bounty Board 27 6960XP, $15993, Nailer
Green Thumb Rust Commons East Stance Von Kofsky 29 7439XP, $20062, Shotgun

Crazy Earl’s Scrapyard Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Get Off My Lawn! Crazy Earl’s Scrapyard Crazy Earl 22 4320XP, $3025
Today’s Lesson: High Explosives Crazy Earl’s Scrapyard Crazy Earl 22 7200XP, $9075, Grenade SDU
Hair Of The Dog Treacher’s Landing Crazy Earl 23 4950XP, $5082
Earl Needs Food…Badly Krom’s Canyon Crazy Earl 25 9720XP, $21250
The Next Piece Krom’s Canyon Crazy Earl 25 6480XP, $8500
Earl’s Best Friend Trash Coast Crazy Earl 27 6612XP, $15993, Sniper Rifle
Claptrap Rescue: Scrapyard Crazy Earl’s Scrapyard Claptrap 22 1440XP, Backpack SDU

Old Haven Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Claptrap Rescue: Old Haven Old Haven Claptrap 28 1800 XP, Backpack SDU
Smoke Signals: Shut Them Down Old Haven Dead Bandit 28 6480 XP, $29854
Bandit Treasure: Three Corpses, Three Keys Old Haven Dead Bandit 28 10800 XP, $5970
Bandit Treasure: X Marks the Spot Dahl Headlands Dead Bandit 28 7200 XP, $29854

Trash Coast Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Claptrap Rescue: Trash Coast Trash Coast Claptrap 27 1740 XP, Backpack SDU

Salt Flats Missions Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Get Some Answers Crimson Fastness Patricia Tannis 30 13560 XP
Claptrap Rescue: The Salt Flats The Salt Flats Claptrap ?? ?? XP, Backpack SDU

Crimson Fastness Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Find The Echo Command Console Crimson Fastness Patricia Tannis 31 ? XP, Artifact
Reactivate the ECHO Comm System Crimson Enclave Patricia Tannis 31 9900 XP
Find Steele The Vault Patricia Tannis 32 20400 XP
Claptrap Rescue: Crimson Fastness Crimson Fastness Claptrap 30 1920 XP, Backpack SDU

Jakobs Cove Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Welcoming Committee Jakobs Cove Jakobs Cove Claptrap varies variable XP and money
Is The Doctor In? Jakobs Cove Jakobs Cove Claptrap varies variable XP
House of the Ned Hallow’s End Dr. Ned’s Notice varies variable XP
There May Be Some Side Effects… Generally Hospital Dr. Ned varies variable XP
Secrets and Mysteries Dead Haven Jakobs Cove Claptrap varies variable XP
Jakobs Fodder Dead Haven Dr. Ned’s ECHO Recording varies variable XP and money
Hitching A Ride Dead Haven Jakobs ECHO varies variable XP and money, Pistol
A Bridge Too Ned Lumber Yard Jakobs Replacement Claptrap varies variable XP and money
Night of the Living Ned The Mill Jakobs ECHO varies variable XP and money
Ned’s undead, baby, Ned’s undead The Mill Dr. Ned varies variable XP and money

The remaining missions are not central to the main story.

Side Missions

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Missing: Hank Reiss Jakobs Cove Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money, Combat Rifle
Eggcellent Opportunity! Jakobs Cove Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money, Class Mod
Pumpkinhead Hallow’s End Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money, Sniper Rifle
Leave It To The Professionals Generally Hospital Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money
The Pack Generally Hospital Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money
It’s Alive Dead Haven Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money, Sub-machine Gun
Upsale Jakobs Cove Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money
Here We Go Again Lumber Yard Jakobs Cove Bounty Board varies variable XP and money
Claptrap Rescue: The Lumber Yard Lumber Yard Claptrap varies variable XP, Backpack SDU
TK Lives! Hallow’s End TK Baha’s prosthetic leg varies variable XP
Brains Hallow’s End Zombie TK Baha varies variable XP, one random item
Braaains Hallow’s End Zombie TK Baha varies variable XP, one random item
Braaaaains Hallow’s End Zombie TK Baha varies variable XP, one random item
Braaaaaaaaaaaains Hallow’s End Zombie TK Baha varies variable XP, one random item
Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains Hallow’s End Zombie TK Baha varies variable XP, one random item

The Underdome Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Prove Yourself Underdome Underdome Bounty Board 15 10,200 XP $6,841, Free Skill Point

Secret Armory of General Knoxx  Back to Top

Name Location Given By Level Reward
Main Missions
Scooter? But I Don’t Even Know Her. T-Bone Junction Atlas informant
Boost the Monster T-Bone Junction Scooter
Greasemonkey T-Bone Junction Scooter
You’ve Got Moxxi: Roadblock The Crimson Tollway Scooter
You’ve Got Moxxi: Moxxi’s Red Light Moxxi’s Red Light Scooter
Prison Break: Road Warrior The Ridgeway Moxxi
Prison Break: Over the Wall Sunken Sea Moxxi
Prison Break: Try Not to Get Shanked Lockdown Palace Moxxi
Rendezvous T-Bone Junction Athena
Code Breaker: Analysis The Ridgeway Athena
Code Breaker: Time is Bullets Sunken Sea Lance ECHO
Athena Set Up Us The Bomb T-Bone Junction Athena
Bridging the Gap Deep Fathoms Athena
Armory Assault Crimson Armory Athena
Loot Larceny Crimson Armory Athena
Side Missions
Core Collection T-Bone Junction Marcus
Wanted: Dead! The Crimson Tollway Agent 01
Claptrap Rescue: Lockdown Palace Lockdown Palace Claptrap
OMG APC The Ridgeway Scooter
This Bitch is Payback The Ridgeway Athena
This Bitch is Payback, pt. 2 Road’s End Athena
Knoxxed Out Road’s End Athena
Thrown for a Loop Road’s End Moxxi
Stain Removal Deep Fathoms Moxxi
Big Crimson Brother is Watching T-Bone Junction T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
Drifter Lifter Sunken Sea T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
Road Rage Sunken Sea T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
Power Leech Sunken Sea T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
Bugged Road’s End T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
You. Will. Die. Crawmerax’s Lair T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
Circle of Duty: New Recruit Circle of Duty T-Bone Junction Bounty Board
Circle of Duty: Cadet Circle of Duty Circle of Duty Director Zach
Circle of Duty: Private Circle of Duty Circle of Duty Director Zach
Circle of Duty: Corporal Circle of Duty Circle of Duty Director Zach
Circle of Duty: Sergeant Circle of Duty Circle of Duty Director Zach
Circle of Duty: Medal of Duty Circle of Duty Circle of Duty Director Zach
Purple Juice! Sunken Sea Thirsty the Midget
Little People, Big Experiments The Ridgeway Thirsty the Midget
Lost Lewts Road’s End Radar device
Mop Up T-Bone Junction Marcus
Super-Marcus Sweep Crimson Armory Marcus
Local Trouble T-Bone Junction Marcus
It’s Like Christmas! Crimson Armory Marcus

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