Capcom Joins Annual Toronto Zombie Walk

Capcom Joins Annual Toronto Zombie Walk

Capcom will be joining the 7th Annual Toronto Zombie Walk in order to promote the upcoming Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. On Saturday, October 24th, Capcom will set up a tent and will be giving free Resident Evil zombie makeovers to those participating in the walk.

The makeup tent is first come, first serve for Canadian zombie wanna-be’s on site at Trinity Bellwoods Park, starting at 12:30pm.

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles is an on-rails shooter for the Wii will follow individual stories that take place during the events of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil Code Veronica. It will be available for the Wii on November 17th for North America and November 27th for Europe.



Official Toronto Zombie Walk Website:

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