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GDC 2009: EA Mobile Announces iPhone Game Lineup

EA Mobile announces it’s upcoming plans for iPhone (and iPod Touch) games. It plans on offering games that are well known from the PC and other consoles.

Previously announced is Tiger Woods PGA World Tour; in addition to that EA Mobile plans on releasing:
– Wolfenstein RPG
– Madden NFL
– NBA Live
– Spore Creatures
– Mystery Mania
– American Idol
– Command & Conquer
– SSX (Snowboarding)
– Need for Speed 3

and also, popular board games such as:

– Connect Four
– Battleship
– Risk
– Monopoly
– Trivial Pursuit
– Clue

Tiger Woods PGA World Tour and Trivial Pursuit are expected to be available this spring; dates for the other games are not yet known.