Hulu Premium Service Coming to PS3 in July

Hulu Premium Service Coming to PS3 in July

Hulu’s Plus Service will be launching on the PS3 and a myriad of other devices over the next year including the iPad, Xbox 360, iPhone 4 and 3GS, and Blu-ray players and TV’s. Hulu’s Plus Service will run $9.99 a month and will be available for the PS3 sometime in July.

There is no official release date but Joystiq reports the Hulu Plus guided tour reports the July 2010 date. Hulu currently contains TV shows, videos and movies, and the Plus service will feature full seasons of current ABC, NBC and Fox TV shows in HD. The videos stream at 480 Kbps or more and its recommended that a downstream bandwidth of over 1 Mbps for a smooth playback experience.

There is still more to be known about the service before going out and cancelling your cable subscription. You can sign up for a preview invite here:


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