As you may know, HyTek Gamer was founded in late 2008. Over the past year we have seen growth and change in our own site as well as in the world of gaming. HyTek Gamer is fundamentally a two-man operation with many others helping and contributing. Here is our year in review!
You may have noticed that news articles are currently the big attraction to the site.
First Article: PS3 will be $299 in April, analysts say
Most Reported News Topic: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Most Viewed News Article: WoW Cataclysm Changes for All
Less newsworthy content goes to our individual blogs on HyTek Gamer.
Most Viewed Blog Post: Block Evony Ads from Google Adsense
Most Blog Posts: The Blog of Life by Alice
Other fun facts:
Came & Went: Game Servers, for a short time HyTek Gamer gave away CSS/L4D/TF2 servers to clans.
Up & Coming: Yes, I Speak Geek discussion group. Just need more (any) participation!
Ever-growing: HyTek Gallery is now home to 292 photos, HyTek Videos has 145 posted
Coolest Feature: Show off your gaming skills on your profile with PS3 stats, Steam Stats, stats and your Xbox 360 card. You can see all of these on Bio’s profile.
New Logo last fall!
Thanks for any and all that have helped and taken a look at our little website! Here’s hoping for a great 2010!
News tip? E-mail