Modern Warfare 2 for PC Outsells Popular CoD4 for PC

Modern Warfare 2 for PC Outsells Popular CoD4 for PC

So what are Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 protestors playing? It would seem that a number of them are playing the very thing they protested. The count of signatures, to date, on the Modern Warfare 2 protest reached 222,181. The protest gained a lot of attention, and by PC sales numbers, it seemed to have worked, initially. Not true, according to Infinity Ward’s Robert Bowling. Though the PC sales of Modern Warfare 2 only accounted for 3% of the games total sales, those numbers still were more than its predecessor CoD4’s LIFETIME PC sales.

From the Official Infinity Ward Forums:

Yes, PC is the smallest percentage in terms of how much sold on each platform but that hardly means anything other than the PC is just the smallest market.

The PC version of Modern Warfare 2 has actually outsold the PC version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare in its first week. Making it the most successful PC version.

No wonder company officials were not worried about the “little” protest.

Modern Warfare 2 for PC Outsells Popular CoD4 for PC

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