Netflix Instant Watch Coming to Unannounced Device

Netflix stocks began to soar on Friday after officials announced that their “watch instantly” service would be coming to a new device and potentially bringing waves of new customers. Netflix predicts it will attract 900,000 to 1.2 million more customers in the fourth quarter. The stocks jumped over $4.00 during trading on Friday, which was a new peak for Netflix since its public offering in 2002.

Netflix currently has an exclusive deal with Microsoft to stream their “watch instantly” service through Xbox 360s. Analysts are already placing bets on the new device being either the Wii or Playstation 3 after statements made last month by Netflix CEO that: “Eventually we want to be on all the game consoles, all the Blu-ray players, all the Internet TVs.”

With their subscription forecast for Q4, we could see the service appear on the device in the next couple weeks.

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