Nintendo Will Reveal Wii Vitality Sensor at E3 2010

Nintendo Will Reveal Wii Vitality Sensor at E3 2010

The new Wii Vitality Sensor was vaguely introduced at E3 2009. The device attaches to the Wiimote and clips onto a players finger to read their pulse, for unknown reasons. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said that Nintendo plans on expanding on the device at E3 2010 and showing it with compatible software.

“We will show off the Vitality Sensor with software [at the show]. I’m not going to give you any more hints beyond that.”

The mystery will remain until the kickoff the show which is taking place June 15-17. Nintendo also has some other “surprises” planned for the next E3 involving a new Zelda game for Wii.

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