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Borderlands Second DLC Revealed, Mad Moxxi’s Underdome

Hot on the heels of Borderlands first DLC, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Gearbox revealed another upcoming DLC, Mad Moxxi’s Underdome. The new content pack will have three Riot Arena’s filled with baddies (and loot!) and even feature a bank to store spare weapons.

Saboteur for PC Doesn’t Work With ATI Graphics

If you haven’t picked up a copy of The Saboteur for PC yet, you might want to check out which graphics card your computer uses. The official game boards for The Saboteur have been flooded with complaints about the game not working with ATI graphics

A2M, 505 Introduce Naughty Bear

A2M and 505 Productions would like you to meet someone. Naughty Bear is tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong on the Island of Perfection. The poor bear snaps when he isn’t invited to the Big Birthday Party, and arms himself with torturous

Games of 2010 – January Edition

With 2009 wrapping up and exciting new releases dwindling, we can take a look ahead to see what the 2010 gaming gods have to offer us. January       Mass Effect 2 (January 26, 2010) Xbox 360, PC Mass Effect 2 is the upcoming

Smithsonian To Get Art of Gaming Exhibit in 2012

In a little over two years, museum buffs will be exposed to the wonder of video games. The Art of Video Games will show the development of visual effects in video games from Atari to PS3, and also explore social influences and popular culture on

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Wii’s Come With $50 Gift Card at Wal-mart Next Week

Nintendo just dropped the price of the Wii, but it seems the holiday spirit is abound and Wal-mart will be offering a $50 gift card on Wii purchases next week. The $50 gift certificate offer will be good from Saturday, December 5th through Saturday, December

Turn Right On…Lara Croft?

One of two new roads in the city of Derby in the UK has a chance at being named after one of the most recognizable girl game characters, Lara Croft. Voting is underway through Derby’s city website and will go until January 31. Why Lara