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Sony’s Paid PlayStation Plus Subscription Coming June 29

At E3 last week, Sony announced the new PlayStation Plus subscription service for PS3 owners. The service will run on top of the continued free PlayStation Network, and will provide additional content and goodies for those who subscribe. For a $49.99 yearly subscription, Playstation Plus

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Playstation Move Gets Release Date and Pricing

Not to be outdone by the details surrounding Microsoft’s Kinect, Sony announced their own motion control system, the PlayStation Move Starter Bundle PlayStation Move would be available early this fall. With a price tag of $49.99 for the controller and $39.99 for the Playstation Eye

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Gets Street Date

The upcoming chapter from the Assassin’s Creed series: Assassin’s Creed Brother has been given a release date for this Fall on November 16th.  The game will feature 15 hours of singleplayer and bring multiplayer to the Assassin’s Creed games for the first time ever. According

Project Natal Officially KINECT, Updated Xbox 360

Microsoft has announced that Project Natal will officially be named Kinect. This motion control system will be launching sometime this Fall for the Xbox 360, and will likely come with a price tag in the $100 range. It will be available on November 4 for

Red Dead Redemption Outlaws to the End DLC Out June 22

Surprise hit Red Dead Redemption isn’t leaving players on the old dustry trail with original game content. Rockstar Games announced the free co-op DLC will available for Xbox 360 and PS3 on June 22nd, spurring players to get together and complete 6 new cooperative missions.

Fallout: New Vegas Collector’s Edition Announced

The latest in the Fallout series, Fallout: New Vegas, is headed to PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 this Fall and will be released with a Collector’s Edition. Fallout: New Vegas is being developed by Obsidian who was responsible for Fallout 2, but not Fallout 3,

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Announced

Ubisoft officially announced the follow-up game to last year’s hit Assassin’s Creed II. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood will follow Ezio to Rome Rome, as previously thought, will feature 15 hours worth of singleplayer play, and will be the first of the games to feature a multiplayer