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Batman PC Game Glitch Catches Pirate

One dimwitted pirate has been caught red handed with an illegal copy of Batman Arkham Asylum for PC after posting reports of game glitches to the Eidos forum. User Cheshirec_the_cat wrote: “I’ve got a problem when it’s time to use Batman’s glide in the game.

PAX Go’ers Get the Scoop, and Swine Flu

Officials from the PAX Expo (which ended on Sunday) have confirmed H1N1’s presence at the show. The official PAX Twitter account wrote today “Just heard of our first test-confirmed swine flu case at the show. PLEASE if you feel symptoms (fever, etc) go to the

Chinese Gamers Shut Down Relaunch of Hot-Blooded Legend

Hot Blooded Legend is a classic game in China.  Gamers rejoiced (initially) when publishers released a nostalgia edition last week, but were disappointed to find that the re-released game was completely commercialized and lacked the “flavor” of the original game. In protest, players stood together

Uncharted 2 Limited Edition Gets Art Book and Knife

Uncharted 2 Fortune Hunter Limited Edition pack was revealed during a sneak peak panel at PAX 2009. It will feature a collector box, collector art book autographed by Naughty Dog, and a replica Purba knife which is part of the game itself. It will also

Video Gaming Gets Hot with SexBox

Silicon Xtal has filed a trademark for an adult-only video game console, SexBox. SexBox is a registered name for use with a “video gaming console comprised of computer hardware with unique controls which plays Adult Only rated (AO) video game software titles.” The trademark description

Capcom Considering New DLC for Resident Evil 5

Capcom is taking fan requests into consideration for additional DLC for Resident Evil 5.  According to president of strategic planning and business development Christian Svensson “We’re talking about it. I don’t know if you have seen some of the threads on Capcom Unity, but questions

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Star Trek Online Beta Sign Up Begins

Cryptic Studios began sign up for the beta on upcoming Star Trek Online. Last reported on in February ’09 with a release deadline of March 31, 2010 approaching; applications were being taken for the closed beta scheduled for later this year. Users who purchased Champions

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Cheaters Never Prosper, TF2 Idlers Get Punished

Team Fortress 2 players using external idling applications in order to get item drops will no longer be tolerated. Valve announced today they are adopting a zero tolerance policy for these applications used to manipulate the persistent item system. Players who have used these applications