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China Limits Gold Farming in Continued Internet Crackdown

The Chinese government has declared that virtual currency will only be allowed to be traded for virtual goods/services, not real ones. They estimate that last year the trade of virtual currency exceeded several billion yuan (about $146 million) and would be expected to grow 20%

WoW to Offer Faction Switching

All your hard work..all the grinding and raiding…and now you want to switch sides. Blizzard will now make it so. According to Blizzard poster Nethaera: "We wanted to give everyone a very early heads-up that, in response to player requests, we’re developing a new service

No LAN for Starcraft II

Excitement building and a beta so close you can almost taste it, Blizzard announces that LAN will not be supported for its upcoming Starcraft II. In order to further push and promote, Blizzard rep Bob Colayco states, “”We don’t currently plan to support LAN

Transformers Star Disses Wii

What would YOU rather do? Eat glass or play the new Transformers game on Wii with Megan Fox?The answer was simple for Shia LaBeouf – he told gaming blog Big Download he would rather eat glass. While LaBeouf had high praise for the game on

No more “Hot Girls” for Apple Store

Almost as quickly as it made an appearance, the "Hottest Girl" app was quickly taken away. Debuting on Thursday, the app which was the first to feature full frontal nudity was removed later in the day. Apple cited inappropriate content and accused app designer, Allen

Plants vs. Zombies Released!

Available for download today (only $20.00) you can defend your cartoon home against brain hungry zombies, using…plants. An arsenal of 49 plants will help you defend your home against 26 types of zombies including pole-vaulters, snorklers and zombonis. 50 levels in adventure mode along with

Quake Live Headed for Mac, Linux

Marty Stratton, executive producer of Quake Live, has announced that Id is developing versions of software of Quake Live for Mac and Linux. They will be internally tested in May and ready for release after the testing. Quake Live is currently available for Windows users