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God of War III Won’t Require Install

According to a Twitter post from Sony Santa Monica’s director of technology Christer Ericson, God of War III will not come with an install option. God of War III has been developed to stream off of the system’s cache.The series has boasted basically no load

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Starcraft II Multiplayer Closed Beta Now Open

It was revealed earlier this month that the Starcraft II closed beta would begin, and begin it has! Invitation codes were sent out to approved applicants for this highly anticipated beta which could be redeemed as early as yesterday. The beta is only open to

Samsung OLED Laptop with 14 Inch Transparent Display

Samsung uneviled a laptop at CES 2010 with a 14 inch transparent OLED display; while fascinating to look at, a transparent display serves no useful purpose in a laptop today.  Outside of the laptop world transparent displays could make their way into a number of

Starcraft II Beta Coming This Month

Starcraft II will enter beta sometime this month. Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime revealed in a presentation to investors today that the closed beta for highly anticipated Starcraft II would be available this month. Morhaime also confirmed that SC2 was on track for a mid-2010 release,

New Games on Demand for Xbox This Month

Microsoft is releasing a handful of games for the Games on Demand service including a special deal on Battlefield 1943 for 800 MS ($10) points. Other releases include: Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week: Feb. 15: Battlefield 1943, 800 Microsoft Points ($10) Xbox LIVE Games

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Ezio Goes to Rome in Next Assassin’s Creed

Ubisoft teased us with the fact that the next installment in the Assassin’s Creed series would feature multiplayer, and left us hanging with little details. A little more information was made available with an investors conference where Ubisoft CEO made a couple statements about the

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Netflix Streaming to go Full HD

They say, “never go full HD”, but Netflix paid no heed to the warnings and announced today that their Instant Watch streaming service would be going FULL HD. For people with PS3’s, Xbox 360’s, and internet capable televisions, this means you can enjoy movies and