Gregory House will be making calls to PC and Nintendo DS this Spring in Legacy Interactive’s medically-themed puzzle game, House M.D. The game will have 100+ varieties of mind-bending puzzles and medically-themed mini-games. House will be joined by our favorite employees of his; Thirteen, Taub, Forman, Kutner, Chase, Cameron, as well as Wilson and Cuddy.
Legacy released screengrabs and some scripted dialogue for the game, proving the witty banter that we all know and love will be left in tact for this video game adaptation.
House to Kutner and Taub as they walk to a patient’s room: “What’s that sound I hear? It sounds like two doctors who lost a game of poker, and now they have to pay up. And they’re being sore losers. (to Lana) How about some music for the freak – er, I mean, the lady.”
14 year old patient’s response to meeting House for the first time: “It’s okay, mom. Dr. House is emotionally distancing himself from the patient through gallows humor. It’s unorthodox, but not unprecedented.”
House to Thirteen as they go over possible diagnoses: “Good work, Thirteen. Aside from Taub, you’re the closest thing we have to a scared teenage girl. Which means the human sieve might warm up to you. Get a blood sample from her to test for DIC.”
Thirteen to Foreman when he unlocks a girl’s diary: “Congratulations, Foreman. You’re as clever as a teenage girl.”
Foreman searching a medicine cabinet in a patient’s home: “Wow, look at all these antidepressants! This family even puts House to shame.”
House to Wilson discussing Cuddy: “Ah, but aren’t all women a mystery? Cuddy’s just a mystery with really great taste in push-up bras.”
Thirteen to Foreman discussing a patient’s wife: “When I’m a crazy middle-aged woman, are you going to be chasing me?”
House to a patient’s goal of being a role model: “Awww, stop, I’m getting all sentimental, and I’m going to stab myself in the eye with this syringe just to make you shut up!”
Patient to Taub about the boss, House: “Your boss, on the other hand… You know, we had someone like him in our unit in Korea. We’d always joke about turning him over to the enemy. We said that they deserved him. But I don’t know if anyone deserves your boss.”
House M.D. will be available in Spring 2010.