PAX Go'ers Get the Scoop, and Swine Flu

PAX Go’ers Get the Scoop, and Swine Flu

Officials from the PAX Expo (which ended on Sunday) have confirmed H1N1’s presence at the show. The official PAX Twitter account wrote today “Just heard of our first test-confirmed swine flu case at the show. PLEASE if you feel symptoms (fever, etc) go to the doctor.”

PAX had 60,000+ visitors. “This is the real thing. If you get this number of people together in this close a proximity it is the perfect storm for these kind of wild fire virus spreads,” Penny Arcade’s Robert Khoo told Kotaku. “We just want to make sure everyone is informed.”

The confirmed infection was in a Boston based developer (who’s identity has yet to be released) who contacted PAX officials after doctors confirmed H1N1.

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