Red Dead Redemption Complete Journal Challenges Guide - Part 1

Red Dead Redemption Complete Journal Challenges Guide – Part 1

Your Journal in Red Dead Redemption is the keeper of your challenges in the game. While some challenges are similar, the Journal challenges are different for singleplayer and multiplayer. Keep reading for the most comprehensive guide to Red Dead Redemption Journal Challenges on the web!

Singleplayer challenges will unlock rewards at Levels 5 and 10. Multiplayer challenges give rewards at each level. Please see Red Dead Redemption Complete Journal Challenges Guide – Part 2 for Multiplayer Weapon and PVP challenges!

–Singleplayer Printable Checklist–
–Multiplayer Printable Checklist–

By Category: By type:


Sharpshooter – Singleplayer
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Sharpshooter 1 Kill 5 wild birds Fame reward
Sharpshooter 2 Kill 5 Rabbits Fame reward
Sharpshooter 3 Kill 5 coyotes before incurring any damage Fame reward
Sharpshooter 4 Kill 5 flying birds from a moving train Fame reward
Sharpshooter 5 Kill any 2 different types of wild animals in 1 Dead Eye use Master Sharpshooter: More ammunition, Fame reward
Sharpshooter 6 Shoot the hats off of two different people’s heads’ Fame reward
Sharpshooter 7 Kill 3 bears with a single shot for each Fame reward
Sharpshooter 8 Shoot the hats off 2 people’s heads and disarm 2 people Fame reward Any 2 people for hats and disarm. Dead Eye or Sniper Rifles help make this easier
Sharpshooter 9 Kill any 6 wild animals (birds apply) without reloading or changing weapons Fame reward Don’t holster weapon or it will reload and you’ll start all over
Sharpshooter 10 Disarm any 6 enemies without reloading or changing weapons Legendary Sharpshooter: Dead Eye builds faster from shooting targets, Fame reward Don’t holster weapon or it will reload and you’ll start all over


Survivalist – Singleplayer
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Survivalist 1
Collecting 6 Wild Feverfew, found in Hennigan’s Stead and Cholla Springs Fame reward Wild Feverfew are WHITE
Survivalist 2
Collect 6 Desert Sages, found in and around Gaptooth Ridge Fame reward Desert Sage has SILVER GREEN LEAVES
Survivalist 3
Collect 4 Red Sages, found in and around Rio Bravo Fame reward Red Sage has SMALL RED FLOWERS
Survivalist 4
Collect 8 Prickly Pears, found in and around Punta Orgullo Fame reward Prickly Pear are CACTI
Survivalist 5
Collect 7 Woolly Blue Curl Survival Maps last longer, Fame reward Long BLUE FLOWERS
Perdido, Chuparosa (Nuevo Paraiso)
Survivalist 6
Collect 8 Butterfly Weeds, found in and around Diez Coronas Fame reward
Survivalist 7
Collect 10 Hummingbird Sages, found in and around Tall Trees Fame reward
Survivalist 8
Collect 12 Prairie Poppies, found in and around Great Plains Fame reward Prairie Poppies have YELLOW FLOWERS
Survivalist 9
Collect 15 Golden Currants, found in and around Great Plains Fame reward Golden Currants are tall and bushlike
Survivalist 10
Collect 10 Violet Snowdrops, found in and around Tall Trees. Collect 2 more of every other herb available Harvest plants to make tonics to restore Dead Eye, Fame reward

To complete this you will also need:

2 Prickly Pears (Orgullo), 2 Desert Sage (Gaptooth Ridge), 2 Butterfly Weed (Diez Coronas), 2 Prairie Poppy (Great Plains), 2 Golden Currant (Great Plains), 2 Woolly Blue Curls (Perdido), 2 Hummingbird Sage (Tall Trees), 2 Red Sage (Rio Bravo) 2 Wild Feverfew (Hennigan’s Steed & Cholla Springs)


Master Hunter- Singleplayer
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Master Hunter 1
Collect 5 coyote pelts Fame reward Coyotes can be found in the Western half of New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso
Master Hunter 2
Collect 5 deer pelts Fame reward Deer can be found most areas of Western New Austin and West Elizabeth
Master Hunter 3
Collect 5 wolf pelts, one kill must be with a knife Fame reward Wolves – New Austin, Nuevo Paraiso, Tall Trees
Master Hunter 4
Collect 5 boar tusks and 3 armadillo carapaces Fame reward Armadillos are most easily found both North and South of Escalera, really anywhere south of the San Luis River. Must be killed with a pistol to take the carapace (rifle or shotgun will completely destroy it)
Boars found in Southern region of West Elizabeth, Tall Trees
Master Hunter 5
Collect 2 cougar pelts, one kill must be with a knife Unlocks Buffalo Rifle Can be found around Rio Bravo, Fort Mercer, Cholla Springs, northern Gaptooth Ridge, southern & western Great Plains
Tall Trees West Elizabeth, N of Cholla Springs
Master Hunter 6
Collect 5 racoon pelts, 5 skunk pelts, 5 fox pelts Fame reward

Racoons & Foxes: Tall Trees, North of MacFarlane Ranch, various New Austin (at night)
Skunks: Rio Bravo, Diez Coronos, Nuevo Paraiso (at night) Hanging Rock during the day to the NW on the map

Master Hunter 7
Collect 5 elk meat, 5 bighorn skins Fame reward
Master Hunter 8
Collect 1 bear pelt, killed with a knife Fame reward
Master Hunter 9
Search Ojo Del Diablo for “Khan” the legendary Jaguar and collect his pelt Fame reward For Legendary animals to spawn you must kill 10 regular animals and not leave the area
Master Hunter 10
Search Aurora Basin, Stillwater Creek, and Nekoti Rock for “Lobo” the legendary wolf, “Gordo” the legendary boar, and “Brumas” the legendary bear and collect their pelts Unlocks ability to harvest animals for a health item, Fame reward For Legendary animals to spawn you must kill 10 regular animals and not leave the area


Treasure Hunter – Singleplayer
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Treasure 1
(Rhode’s Gold)
Follow map to North of Hanging Rock at the base of the largest boulder Rhode’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 2, Fame +50

*First map obtained from random event of saving Treasure Hunter from Bandits, which can occur in many different locations at different times. Look on ride back from Walton’s Gang hideout after mission Politica Realities in Armadillo

Located at the Hanging Rock northeast of Armadillo. Walk to the side of the rock opposite of the tree with a noose.

Treasure 2
(Jackon’s Gold)
Located at Del Lobo Rock on a small path that winds down the south end face of Del Lobo Rock Jackson’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 3, Fame +50 Located near lake Don Julio directly south of Armadillo. Open your map. South of the lake there is a black square located in the bluffs on the map (Not the one directly bordering the lake). Once you’ve found the house, look at the cliff to the south. Climb cliff to the camp site. Nearby is a feverfew plant, south of that is a very steep cliff. Carefully slide down twice and look for pile of rocks.

Treasure 3
(Calhoun’s Gold)

Located in the basement of the Old Mansion in Tumble Weed. Look for the steer skull Calhoun’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 4, Fame +50 Easy. Head to Tumbleweed (far west of Armadillo). Look for the big mansion on the western part of town. Go to the basement and look for the cow skull.
Treasure 4 (Tubman’s Gold)
Located in Rio Del Toro just north of Chuparosa near the river Tubman’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 5, Free stagecoach rides, Fame +50 Need to complete “We Shall Be Together in Paradise” mission so you can travel to Mexico. Go to the town of Chuparosa. Directly North of the town head to the river. Travel along the small road that follows the coast traveling East. On your map the road will be bordered by two lines on either side of it. The tree with the skulls is located there. Make your way down past the broken wall toward the river and it will be buried to your right.
Treasure 5 (Brown’s Gold)
Located between Escalara and the Railroad that crosses the river on a small rock spire that looks like 2 boulders forming toes ontop of a big flat mesa-like rock Brown’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 6, Fame +50

East of Punta Orgullo. Look for a large jutting rock structure. There is a green house for sale on your map that should be on the river. Look directly south of the house about half way between it and the main road. There will be the tiny cluster of rocks on your main map. Climb the rock to the top and claim your treasure.

*Note there is a chest at the base of the rock as well.

Treasure 6 (Douglass’ Gold)
Located south of Chuparosa the rock arch Ojo del Diablo, left side of the Arch (when looking north) Douglass’ Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 7, Fame +50
Treasure 7 (Garrison’s Gold)
Edge of the border of Diez Coronas’ nearing Perdido on the river.  To get here you’ll have to get to the top of the mountain and look for a small ledge facing the river Garrison’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 8, Fame +50 Find Roca de Nadera on your map. (West of the town Casa Madrugada between the Diez Coronas & Perdido regions) From Roca de Nadera go west to where the river bends. Look for the odd shaped rock shown on the treasure map, it will be close to the river. Once found, go west of the rock over a small road and hug the cliff. Walk a short distance along the cliff to find it, being careful to not fall. You should end up almost directly North of Agave Viejo if you look at your main map.
Treasure 8 (Pickett’s Gold)
West of Beecher’s Hope on the south of the 3-road intersection near a big tree Pickett’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 9, Fame +50 Complete mission “An Appointed Time” to unlock area West Elizabeth.looking for Broken Tree which is off a main road in the Great Plains leading towards the town of Blackwater. On your main map look for the Buffalo icon and what looks like a Gazebo, (Beecher’s Hope) on that road is where you’ll find the Broken Tree. There aren’t any other trees around so it will be easy to spot.
Treasure 9 (Stonewall’s Gold)
At the top of Nekoti Rock Stonewall’s Gold, Treasure Hunter Rank 10, Legendary Treasure Hunter status, Treasure Hunter’s Satchel, Fame +150 Where Brumas the Legendary Bear was. Start heading towards the Northern mountain range. Follow the road that circles Tall Trees. You’ll end up in between the Aurora Basin & Nekoti Rock. Along that road you’ll reach a T-intersection that has a path leading North up a mountain. On your main map this will roughly be right above the “T” in Tree for “Tall Trees”. Continue up the winding road to the plateau. Up against the edge of the mountain lies a cave with the last treasure!


Sharpshooter I – Multiplayer, Free Roam
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Rank 1
Kill 5 wild birds 250 XP, ‘Bird Watcher’ title
Rank 2
Shoot and kill 5 rabbits 250 XP, ‘Exterminator’ title
Rank 3 Get 10 head shots on enemy characters 250 XP, ‘Head Hollower’ title
Rank 4 Kill 5 flying birds from a moving vehicle 250 XP, ‘Mobile Bird Watcher’ title
Rank 5 Shoot 10 guns from the enemies hands 250 XP, ‘Sharpshooter’ title
Sharpshooter II – Multiplayer, Free Roam
Rank 1
Get two hat shots within 5 seconds of each other. 250 XP, ‘Hat Trickster’ title
Rank 2
Shoot someone’s hat off and then disarm that person within 3 seconds of each other. 250 XP, ‘Hauty Gunhand’ title
Rank 3 Kill a Grizzly Bear with a single head shot 250 XP, ‘Bear Starer’ title
Rank 4 Shoot someone’s hat off while riding a mount. 250 XP, ‘Hat Flyer’ title
Rank 5 Kill any 3 different types of wild animals within 10 seconds of each other. 250 XP, ‘Master Sharpshooter’ title



Survivalist I – Multiplayer, Free Roam
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Rank 1
Collect 6 Wild Feverfew, found in Hennigan’s Stead and Cholla Springs 250 XP, ‘Wild Fever’ title Wild Feverfew are WHITE
Rank 2
Collect 6 Desert Sage found in Gaptooth Breach 250 XP, ‘Sage Advisor’ title Desert Sage has SILVER GREEN LEAVES
Rank 3 Collect 4 Red Sage found in Rio Bravo 250 XP, ‘Sage Bleeder’ title Red Sage has SMALL RED FLOWERS
Rank 4 Collect 8 Prickly Pear found in Punta Orgula 250 XP, ‘Raw Paws’ title Prickly Pear are CACTI
Rank 5 Collect 7 Woolly Blue Curls in addition to any you may already have. Found in and around Perdido. 250 XP, ‘Survivalist’ title Woolly Blue Curl have LONG BLUE FLOWERS
Survivalist II – Multiplayer, Free Roam
Rank 1
Collect 8 Butterfly Weed in addition to any you may already have. They are found in and around Diez Coronas. 250 XP, ‘Doc’s Realization’ title
Rank 2
Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage in addition to any you already have. They are found in and around Tall Trees 250 XP, ‘Sage Hoverer’ title
Rank 3 Collect 12 Prairie Poppy in addition to any you already have. They are found in and around Great Plains 250 XP, ‘Prairie Picker’ title
Rank 4 Collect 15 Golden Currant in addition to any you already have. They are found in and around Great Plains 250 XP, ‘Golden Herbalist’ title
Rank 5 Collect 10 Violet Snowdrops in addition to any you already have. They are found in and around Tall Trees’. Then collect 2 more of every other herb available. 250 XP, ‘Master Survivalist’ title
Master Hunter I – Multiplayer, Free Roam
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Rank 1
Kill 5 deer 250 XP, ‘Stew Brewer’ title
Rank 2
Kill 5 coyotes 250 XP, ‘Conservationist’ title
Rank 3 Kill 5 wolves, 1 kill must be with a knife 250 XP, ‘Wolf Cryer’ title Barranca
Rank 4 Kill 5 cougars, 1 kill must be with a knife 250 XP, ‘The Mauled’ title Tanner’s Reach
Rank 5 Kill 5 elk and 5 big horns 250 XP, ‘Hunter’ title Tall Trees
Master Hunter II – Multiplayer, Free Roam
Rank 1
Kill 5 bears, 1 must be with a knife 250 XP, ‘Spartan Survival’ title Found in snow-capped, forested, Tall Trees, West Elizabeth, West of Manzanita Post.
Shoot a couple times in the body to weaken then attack with knife for 1 knife kill
Rank 2
Kill Lobo the Legendary Wolf in Barranca 250 XP, ‘Lycanthropist’ title For Legendary animals to spawn you must kill 10 regular animals and not leave the area
Rank 3 Kill Gordo the Legendary Boar in Greenhollow 250 XP, ‘Lord of the Flies’ title For Legendary animals to spawn you must kill 10 regular animals and not leave the area
Rank 4 Kill Khan the Legendary Jaguar in Tanner’s Reach 250 XP, ‘Cat Ballyhoo’ title For Legendary animals to spawn you must kill 10 regular animals and not leave the area
Rank 5 Kill Brumas the Legendary Bear in Bearclaw Camp 250 XP, ‘Master Hunter’ title For Legendary animals to spawn you must kill 10 regular animals and not leave the ar
Lawbringer – Free Roam
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Rank 1
Complete Pike’s Basin Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Cow Lover’ title
Rank 2
Complete Fort Mercer Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Shining Knight’ title
Rank 3
Complete Tumbleweed Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Weed Wacker’ title
Rank 4
Complete Gaptooth Breach Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Gold Thief’ title
Rank 5
Complete Tesoro Azul Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Sapphire’ title
Rank 6
Complete Twin Rocks Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Gemini’ title


Rank 7
Complete Nosalida Gang Hideout 250 XP, ‘Exit Wound, Lawbringer’ title
Complete Solomon’s Folly Gang Hideout ‘Half-A-Baby’ title PS3 ONLY
Lawbringer II – Free Roam
Rank 1
Complete Pike’s Basin & Twin Rocks Gang Hideouts without dying 250 XP, ‘Civil Servant’ title Must be completed in the same session
Rank 2
Complete Nosalida & Tesoro Azul Gang Hideouts without dying 250 XP, ‘Deputy Lawman’ title Must be completed in the same session
Rank 3 Complete Tumbleweed & Fort Mercer Gang Hideouts without dying 250 XP, ‘Lucky Lawbringer’ title Must be completed in the same session
Rank 4 Complete Tesoro Azul Gang Hideout with thrown weapons and melee only 250 XP, ‘Crimestopper’ title
Rank 5 Complete Gaptooth Breech with thrown weapons and melee only 250 XP, ‘No Guns Needed’ title
Rank 6 Complete Gaptooth Breech & Solomon’s Folly without dying 250 XP, ‘Immune Lawbringer’ title PS3 ONLY, Must be completed in the same session
Lawbringer III – Free Roam
Rank 1
Complete Pike’s Basin, Twin Rocks, Fort Mercer & Tumbleweed Gang Hideouts in 24 hours ‘Restless Justice’ title Must be completed in the same session?
Rank 2
Complete Pike’s Basin, Twin Rocks, Fort Mercer and Tumbleweed Gang Hideouts in 24 hours, without dying ‘Master Lawbringer’ title Must be completed in the same session?
Rank 3
Complete Gaptooth Breach, Solomon’s Folly, Tesoro Azul and Nosalida in 24 hours ‘Dirty Justice’ title PS3 ONLY
Must be completed in the same session?
Rank 4
Complete Gaptooth Breach, Solomon’s Folly, Tesoro Azul and Nosalida in 24 hours without dying ‘Untouchable Gunslinger’ title PS3 ONLY
Must be completed in the same session?


Outlaw I – Free Roam
Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Bounty Rank 1
Gain a bounty of $500 250 XP, ‘Bandito’ title
Bounty Rank 2
Gain a bounty of $1000 250 XP, ‘Renegade’ title
Bounty Rank 3
Gain a bounty of $5000 250 XP, ‘Enemy of the State’ title
Public Enemy
Rank 1
Become a Public Enemy 250 XP, ‘Outlaw’ title
Public Enemy
Rank 2
Become a Public Enemy 10 times 250 XP, ‘On the Run’ title

Public Enemy
Rank 3

Become a Public Enemy 50 times 250 XP, ‘Career Criminal’ title
Survival Rank 1 Stay alive for 3 minutes with a posse after you 250 XP, ‘Running Man’ title
Survival Rank 2 Stay alive for 5 minutes with a posse after you 250 XP, ‘Fleeing Felon’ title
Survival Rank 3 Stay alive for 7 minutes with a posse after you 250 XP, ‘Maniac Militia Member’ title
Outlaw II – Free Roam
Bounty Hunter Rank 1
Kill a Public Enemy player while you are a Public Enemy 250 XP
Outlaw Gang
Rank 1
Form a posse of 2 or more and all posse members must gain a bounty of at least $1000 250 XP, ‘Mild Bunch’ title
Outlaw Gang
Rank 2
Form a posse of 2 or more and all posse members must gain a bounty of at least $2500 250 XP, ‘Motley Crew’ title
Outlaw Gang
Rank 3
Form a posse of 2 or more and all posse members must gain a bounty of at least $7500 250 XP, ‘Wild Bunch’ title
Public Enemy Killer
Rank 1
Kill a Public Enemy Player 250 XP, ‘Deputy’ title
Public Enemy Killer
Rank 2
Kill 5 Public Enemy players 250 XP, ‘Sheriff’ title
Public Enemy Killer
Rank 3
Kill 25 Public Enemy players 250 XP, ‘Law Dog’ title
Public Enemy Kill Streak
Rank 1
Get a Kill Streak of 3 players while a Public Enemy 250 XP, ‘Yellowbelly’ title
Public Enemy Kill Streak
Rank 2
Get a Kill Streak of 5 players while a Public Enemy 250 XP, ‘Remorseless’ title
Public Enemy Kill Streak
Rank 3
Get a Kill Streak of 7 players while a Public Enemy 250 XP, ‘Public Enemy #1’ title


Name/Rank Description Reward Tips
Foot Traveler
Rank 1
Travel 10 miles on foot 50 XP
Foot Traveler
Rank 2
Travel 50 miles on foot 100 XP
Foot Traveler
Rank 3
Travel 100 miles on foot 150 XP, ‘Wanderer’ title
High Roller Rank 1 Roll 25 times 50 XP
High Roller Rank 2 Roll 50 times 100 XP

High Roller Rank 3

Roll 100 times 150 XP, ‘Dizzy’ title
Horse Trampler Rank 1 Run over 25 different people with a horse 50 XP
Horse Trampler Rank 2
Run over 50 different people with a horse 100 XP
Horse Trampler Rank 3
Run over 100 different people with a horse 150 XP, ‘Trampler’ title
Horse Traveler Rank 1 Travel 30 miles on horseback 50 XP

Horse Traveler Rank 2

Travel 150 miles on horseback 100 XP
Horse Traveler Rank 3 Travel 300 miles on horseback 150 XP, ‘Explorer’ title
Lemming Award Rank 1 Fall to your death 25 times 50 XP
Lemming Award Rank 2 Fall to your death 50 times 100 XP
Lemming Award Rank 3 Fall to your death 100 times 150 XP, ‘Cloudwalker’ title
Shotgun Traveler Rank 1 Travel 2 miles riding shotgun 50 XP
Shotgun Traveler Rank 2 Travel 20 miles riding shotgun 100 XP
Shotgun Traveler Rank 3 Travel 200 miles riding shotgun 150 XP, ‘Shotgun’ title
Stagecoach Trampler Rank 1 Run over 25 different people with a stagecoach 50 XP
Stagecoach Trampler Rank 2 Run over 50 different people with a stagecoach 100 XP
Stagecoach Trampler Rank 3 Run over 100 different people with a stagecoach 150 XP, ‘Bad Driver’ title
Stagecoach Traveler Rank 1 Drive 2 miles on a stagecoach 50 XP
Stagecoach Traveler Rank 2 Drive 25 miles on a stagecoach 100 XP
Stagecoach Traveler Rank 3 Drive 250 miles on a stagecoach 150 XP, ‘Pioneer’ title

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>>>CONTINUE to Part 2, Multiplayer Weapons & PVP




Red Dead Redemption Levels, Fame & Honor >>>

Red Dead Redemption Trophies & Achievements >>>

Red Dead Redemption Locations >>>

Red Dead Redemption Weapons, Outfits & Horses >>>

Red Dead Redemption Missions & 100% Completion List >>>

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