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Tag Archives: beta

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Pre-Order SC2 from Amazon, Gamestop, Get Beta Code

If you’ve been putting off pre-ordering Starcraft II, Gamestop and Amazon have sweetened the deal for you. By pre-ordering Starcraft 2, you can receive a beta code for the closed multiplayer beta. For Amazon, the code will be emailed within 5 business days of the

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Starcraft II Multiplayer Closed Beta Now Open

It was revealed earlier this month that the Starcraft II closed beta would begin, and begin it has! Invitation codes were sent out to approved applicants for this highly anticipated beta which could be redeemed as early as yesterday. The beta is only open to

Star Trek Online Open Beta in January

Currently in closed beta, Star Trek Online will see an open beta before its release in February of next year. The beta will last from January 12th to January 26th, and keys will be distributed on a “first come first serve” basis. The game will

OnLive Beta Sign-Up Ready

The sign-up form for the OnLive Beta is now available. Participants must be 18 years or older, and must have a computer running Vista or XP or an Intel based Mac. The beta is expected this summer, with a full release tentatively the end of 2009.

Battlefield Heroes Beta Reboots

After a 3 month hiatus, Battlefield Heroes has gone live! The closed beta is now live, with an announcement on the site that beta keys were being sent out today. The new beta and the overall website has experienced some nips and tucks to speed