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Tag Archives: blizzcon

Diablo III Gets Monk Class

Diablo 3 got little attention at Blizzcon with upcoming WoW Cataclysm and Starcraft II taking the spotlight, but it was far from forgotten. Blizzcon 09 revealed to us the Monk. As with Blizzards usual style, it is unknown when this third chapter to the Diablo

WoW Cataclysm Changes For All

WoW Cataclysm changes the world of Warcraft as we know it. Changes for everyone. The storyline and landscape changes will happen for everyone regardless of expansion purchase. Those purchasing the expansion will access the new zones, races, and the level cap. A wealth of information

New Revealed

Blizzard revealed the newly made-over at Blizzcon 09. The current still hosts more players than World of Warcraft (with at 12 million and WoW at 11.5 million). The biggest addition to the new is the introduction of Real ID which allows

World of Warcraft Cataclysm Official

Blizzcon opened with the announcement of the new World of Warcraft Expansion “Cataclysm” due out in 2010. The internet has been buzzing about this highly rumored expansion which will be 1 of 2 releases for Blizzard next year (the other being Starcraft II). Included in