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Tag Archives: control

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Playstation Move Gets Release Date and Pricing

Not to be outdone by the details surrounding Microsoft’s Kinect, Sony announced their own motion control system, the PlayStation Move Starter Bundle PlayStation Move would be available early this fall. With a price tag of $49.99 for the controller and $39.99 for the Playstation Eye

Project Natal Officially KINECT, Updated Xbox 360

Microsoft has announced that Project Natal will officially be named Kinect. This motion control system will be launching sometime this Fall for the Xbox 360, and will likely come with a price tag in the $100 range. It will be available on November 4 for

Microsoft’s Natal Requires 13 Feet of Space

Microsoft’s Project Natal will supposedly require 13 feet of space between Natal and yourself in order to be recognized by the sensors. This may put a damper on Xbox 360 owners who inhabit tiny spaces. The comments regarding this “13 feet rule” were made by