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Tag Archives: gamestop

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Pre-Order SC2 from Amazon, Gamestop, Get Beta Code

If you’ve been putting off pre-ordering Starcraft II, Gamestop and Amazon have sweetened the deal for you. By pre-ordering Starcraft 2, you can receive a beta code for the closed multiplayer beta. For Amazon, the code will be emailed within 5 business days of the

GameStop Clerk Shot in Armed Robbery

An unfortunate Orange County, Florida GameStop employee was shot in the leg during an armed robbery minutes after he opened the doors. The gunman walked in minutes after the store opening and held the clerk and another customer in the store as he waited for

Modern Warfare 2: Early Sales and a Pirate Caught

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been gracing the news nearly every day since the announcement of lack of dedicated server support. It’s no different on the eve of its release. Reports are surfacing that some naughty GameStops in OH, NY, and PA are

Free Game with Wii Purchase at Gamestop

While the Wii still reigns supreme in console sales, they are not impervious to the economy. To help battle this, Gamestop has announced that Wii purchasers will get a (select) free game! Choices include: Animal Crossing: City Folk Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Excitebots: Trick Racing