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Tag Archives: inferno

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Dante’s Inferno Gets Co-Op With ‘St. Lucia’ DLC

Some early adopters of Dante’s Inferno had a surprise in store for them in the form of a DLC trailer. “The Trials of St. Lucia” trailer revealed upcoming DLC, a new character, the angelic St. Lucia of Syracuse mentioned in the “Divine Comedy”,  online co-operative

Games of 2010 – February Edition

If you missed it, we did a January Edition of Games to Come 2010 a couple weeks ago. The new releases for the year have wound down to a dribble and we can only play the games we’ve purchased in 2009 and look forward to

PS3 To Get Dante’s Inferno Divine Edition

February’s release of Dante’s Inferno will bring goodies to those who buy it for PS3. The PS3 version, dubbed the Divine Edition, will retail for the same $60 as the Xbox 360 version, but will come with a boatload of free stuff. The “Divine Edition”