
Left 4 Dead 2 Pre-Order Goodies

Left 4 Dead 2 Pre-Order Goodies

Valve promised goodies and incentives to those who pre-order Left 4 Dead 2 from certain retailers, including 10% off the price of the game. This brings the price to $45 for the PC and $55 for the Xbox 360 version. Pre-orderers will also get an exclusive melee weapon, the American Baseball Bat, and early access

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Left 4 Dead 2 Banned in Australia

Left 4 Dead 2 Banned in Australia

Left 4 Dead 2 has been denied classification in Australia, essentially banning the game. Australia’s highest video game rating is M 15+ and anything that would meet criteria beyond that cannot be sold or demonstrated. It seems the gorey nature of the game is the reason behind this. According to documents from news.com.au “The game

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