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Tag Archives: netflix

Netflix Contemplating Jump to Nintendo DS

Netflix is on a roll lately, securing its streaming service on the Playstation 3, and upcoming service for the Nintendo Wii, on top of its availability on the Xbox 360 and Internet TV’s. What could possibly be next for Netflix now that they’ve conquered every

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Netflix Streaming to go Full HD

They say, “never go full HD”, but Netflix paid no heed to the warnings and announced today that their Instant Watch streaming service would be going FULL HD. For people with PS3’s, Xbox 360’s, and internet capable televisions, this means you can enjoy movies and

Netflix Streaming Coming to Wii This Spring

Netflix Instant Streaming is coming for the Wii this Spring. Netflix subscribers will be receiving instant streaming discs similar to what was released for the PS3 last year. The discs are required because of an exclusivity agreement for the Xbox 360 (integrated streaming services won’t

Netflix PS3 Instant Streaming Discs Begin to Arrive

It seems Netflix is making good on their word that their Instant Watch Streaming Service would be coming to PS3’s in November. The discs should be arriving to current Netflix members tomorrow.  A note from Netflix arrived in my inbox today announcing the PS3 Instant

Netflix Instant Watch Coming to PS3, Support HD Streaming

Netflix officially announced a partnership with Sony to bring its “watch instantly” service to the Playstation 3. The service is expected to begin next month and will come at no extra cost to existing Netflix customers. “The PlayStation 3 system has always been about more

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Netflix Instant Watch Coming to Unannounced Device

Netflix stocks began to soar on Friday after officials announced that their “watch instantly” service would be coming to a new device and potentially bringing waves of new customers. Netflix predicts it will attract 900,000 to 1.2 million more customers in the fourth quarter. The

Netflix Might Be Available On PS3, Wii, Eventually

Netflix account holders can currently take advantage of an exclusive deal between Xbox and Netflix to stream movies through their Xbox 360 console. That may change in the future. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings told Reuters, “Eventually we want to be on all the game consoles,