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New Games on Demand for Xbox This Month

Microsoft is releasing a handful of games for the Games on Demand service including a special deal on Battlefield 1943 for 800 MS ($10) points. Other releases include: Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week: Feb. 15: Battlefield 1943, 800 Microsoft Points ($10) Xbox LIVE Games

Happy Holiday Gaming Deals

In the true spirit of Christmas many of our favorite gaming haunts are offering stupendous deals! If you’re in the Midwest area like we are you might need a cheap game to keep you occupied while this massive snowstorm keeps you indoors. Steam Weekly and

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Microsoft May Embrace Blu-ray

Sony won the format war with its Blu-ray technology, and it seems Microsoft may grudgingly jump on the Blu-ray bandwagon. In an interview, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed that the Xbox 360 will eventually be receiving external Blu-ray drives. When asked if Xbox 360 would

Grand Theft Auto 4 Joins Xbox 360 Games on Demand

Grand Theft Auto IV is now available for download through Xbox 360’s Live Marketplace Games on Demand service. Xbox 360 owners with net-connected boxes can download the 7GB game for $29.99. For the same $30 price tag users can purchase the game from retailers, and