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Tag Archives: starcraft

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Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Officially Delayed

It’s not a breaking update, but it took me a day to gather up the strength to write about it. Much anticipated Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty has fallen victim to Blizzard’s release delay (again). Reasons involving work needed on were given. Speculators were

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Starcraft II Could Sell 4 Million Copies

Analyst Michael Pachter from Wedbush believes that Starcraft II will sell 4 million copies in the first few months after it’s release. Now, it’s just a matter of when that will be. Blizzard had promised an open beta Summer ’09 and with summer winding down

No LAN for Starcraft II

Excitement building and a beta so close you can almost taste it, Blizzard announces that LAN will not be supported for its upcoming Starcraft II. In order to further push and promote, Blizzard rep Bob Colayco states, “”We don’t currently plan to support LAN

Lead Designer Says Starcraft II “In the Final Stretch”

Lead designer of Starcraft II tells eager fans to hold their horses…for just a little longer. “When we know a date (for anything) for certain, we’ll let you know,” said lead designer Dustin Browder. “Hang in there. We’re in the final stretch.” When further pressed


This semester students at UC Berkeley can fill their minds with traditional reading, writing, arithmetic and… Starcraft? Class began January 29th, with student instructor Alan Feng at the helm. The Starcraft course is a decal course (a student suggested course, approved by a supporting department