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Warhammer Online Available for Mac

MMORPG Warhammer Online is now available for the Mac platform. Players who currently play on Windows can download the Mac version for free on the official Warhammer website. Those new to the game can purchase the digital download for $19.95 or have the option of trying the free, 10-day trial.

Warhammer Online has been available since September 2008, and features the Realm vs Realm combat system originally developed in Dark Ages of Camelot. The game revolves around constant war between the Army of Order and the Army of Destruction.

Mac System Requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.5.7
  • Intel Core Duo Processor
  • 2 Gigabyte RAM
  • ATI X1600 or NVidia 7300 GT with 128 MB VRAM
  • At least 15 GB of hard drive space